In honor of the culmination of the entire class’ junior squash journey.
In support of US Squash junior development programs.
Thousands of junior squash players of all levels across the country compete and enjoy squash as a regular part of their lives. Each year, hundreds graduate from junior squash while retaining the values practiced in the sport, the close and lasting friendships they have formed, and with an enduring love for squash as a lifelong sport.
The Class Gift Initiative seeks to unite graduating classes in celebration of the entire class’ achievements on and off the court and in support of US Squash’s junior development programs.
To allow inclusion of as many graduating seniors as possible, all contributions to this initiative, regardless of amount, will be recognized with their graduate’s name on ussquash.org/junior/class-gift. Gifts of $224 or more will be recognized with their graduate’s name on the Class of 2024 plaque at the Arlen Specter US Squash Center.
Why Give to the Class Gift Initiative?
- Honor your graduate with their name on the annual plaque displayed on the Class Gift exhibit within the Arlen Specter US Squash Center
- Show appreciation for the opportunities, relationships, and experiences that junior squash has provided
- Support the staff for their commitment to the quality of the junior squash experience through tournaments, assisting clubs and pros with their planning, and optimizing the sport’s technology and online tools
- Inspire and help pave the way for younger players and expand the reach of squash
Donate to the Class Gift
How to Donate
Contributions to US Squash are 100% tax deductible. All donors to this initiative are supporting US Squash’s Junior Squash Fund and will be recognized as such in both printed and online material.
In addition, checks may be made out to US Squash, with memo “Class of 2024” and mailed to US Squash, P.O. Box 38610, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
If you would prefer to make a gift via securities, wire, or have any questions, please contact development@ussquash.org or call 215-596-0257.
2024 Senior Reflection
In an effort to recognize and honor all graduating seniors for their participation in squash over the years, US Squash is asking graduating seniors to share reflections about their junior squash career. We would love to include your voice on our website and social media as you move onto your next chapter in life and your journey in squash.
Directions to submit your 2024 Senior Reflection
Please contact development@ussquash.org with any questions.
Class of 2024
Leadership and Support
Class Gift Initiative Chair: Genie Logue
Class Gift Initiative Ambassadors: Sarah Britton, Jennifer Copas, Pam Crowther, Anne Curran, Kourtney Davis, Ann Didden, Ruchira Glaser, Becky Guenther, Jenny Klein, Narelle Krizek, Soni Parr, Stephanie Pashman, Roxanne Patel, Marjorie Volpp, Amy Wiser
Please contact development@ussquash.org if you interested in being listed as a Class Ambassador and willing to reach out to other families with players graduating in the Class of 2024 in support of this initiative.
Fatima Abdelrahman
Aanvi Anand
Alexander Arader
Abigail Bagby
Sabine Ball
Elhadji Barrie
Samantha Bramen
Sophia Britton
Savina Copas
Cecilia Curran
Rory Ellen Dasher
Maxwell J. Davis
Matthew Dayle
Marcus DeSipio
Caroline Didden
Jake Duda
Matthew Feigenberg
Render Ford
Varun Fuloria
Noah George
Drew Glaser
Chase Greppin
Linley Grosman
Graeme Herbert
Scarlett Hine
Maura Cameron Jackson
Shan Jolly
Bennett Klein
William Tippett Krizek
Alexis W. Levin
Sienna Maloney
Fatou Mar
Amelie Sophia Matuch
Arya Mehta
Nevin Mital
Maggie Motch
Riya Navani
William Newton
Himanshu Pannu
Anika Parr
Zane Patel
Caroline Quirk
Hayley Rosendo
Nathan Rosenzweig
Bennett Ross
Anna Shumway
Saranya Singh
Sabina Sitwat
Khissaiyia Spencer
Rishi Srivastava
Alexandra Stoddard
Sanah Syed
Aisha Tarar
Victoria Thill
Charlotte Tompkins
Jahleel Willis
Rustin Wiser
Christopher K. Woo
David Wu
Preston Wu
Eddie Xue
Class of 2025
Parker Davis
Phoebe Fort
Christian Graziano
Evan Huang
Alexandra Jaffe
Samantha Jaffe
Roberto Jay
Jacob F. Li
Jonathan B. Li
Todd Avery Lin
Oscar Okonkwo
Neel Rangan
Class of 2026
John Angevine
Jude Bas
Kyle C. Harsh
James Whitney Marvin
Lily Purtuc
John D. Rockefeller VI
Noe Rowe
Stephanie Schloss
Rubens Schwarz
Elan Suttiratana
Charlotte Tompkins
Skylar van Eck
Sam Bedros Wu
Class of 2027
Giles Bishop
Justin Jho
Brighten Ng
Chloe Poole
Class of 2023
Leadership and Support
Class Gift Initiative Chair: Genie Logue
Class Gift Initiative Ambassadors: Mimi Choksi, Sarah & Peter Clifford, Gail & John Detweiler, Jasmine Ferrer, John Gaghan, Nicole Gagnon, Sun Hwang, Heather Killinger, Debbie Lee, Ivy Li, Maria Lin, Lindsey Page, Whitney Schwarz, Winnie Wen
Please contact Narelle Krizek – narelle.krizek@ussquash.org if you interested in being listed as a Class Ambassador and willing to reach out to other families with players graduating in the Class of 2023 in support of this initiative.
Class Gifts Made in Honor of these 2023 Graduating Seniors
Stephan Bejger
Steven Bernstein
Daniel Braun
Carlo Caffuzzi
Clementine Campbell
Kathryn Chang
Albert Chen
Andrew Choksi
Brooks Clifford
Charlie Clifford
Ellie Clifford
Quincy Cline
Clare Collins
Wynne Conger
Nathan Cukierman
Nidhi Das
JJ Detweiler
Aidan Donnan
Maggie Dugery
Hudson F. Dunn
Gavin Frechette
Jack Gaghan
Leander Goessling
Rashi Goverdhanam
Jacob Grissom
Levi Hancock
Josh Hemingson
Naomi A. Jefferson-Sambanis
Matthew Kang
Ronin Kaplan
Athena Yifeng Ke
Ramsay Killinger
Brandon Kim
Kellani Laidley
Lindsay Lee
Chase A. Lenfest
Sebastian Lennox
Eugenia Li
Dawson Aidan Lin
Hudson Lin
Mason Menin
Madeline Oh
Alexandra Ouzounian
Rhea Pandit
Alexander Pomper
W. Graham Roberts
Justin Rosini
Sonya Sasson
Ella Schoonmaker
Madeline Schwarz
Sabrina Schwarz
Ria Dang Sharma
Thomas J.J. Sheumack
Sumairaa Suleman
Ashna Tumuluri
Callan Venkatesan
Maya Voloshin
Christian Waldron
Evan Wen
Fotis Zafiriou
Eric Zhang
David S. Zhao
Class of 2022
Leadership and Support
Class Gift Initiative Chair: Genie Logue
Class Gift Initiative Ambassadors: Nupur Anand, Vishal Bhagwati, Sheryl Broadhurst, Liz Carney, Paige Daggatt, Gloria Dichter, Sara Glaser, June Leavy, Maggie Lockwood, Lisa Ndiaye, Lindsey Page, Maine Park, Soo Venkatesan, Marnie Worth
Please contact Narelle Krizek – narelle.krizek@ussquash.org if you interested in being listed as a Class Ambassador and willing to reach out to other families with players graduating in the Class of 2022 in support of this initiative.
US Squash Board Support: Jen Mackesy
Class Gifts Made in Honor of these 2022 Graduating Seniors
Bezalel Aboye
Avi Agarwal
Alysa Ali
Aanya Anand
Lars Barkman
David Beeson
Katherine Bell
Arav Bhagwati
Caleb Boateng
Sydney Bramen
Kyle Broadhurst
Trey Campbell
Tad Carney
Sam Cotsarelis
Jaclyn Dichter
Elijah Dorroh
Ainsley Ellison
Maria Fernanda Pinto Forno
Devon Glaser
Isabel Gopez
Jayden Griffin
Yussra Hassan
Grady Herbert
Kennedie Jackson
Patrick Keller
Christopher Kenny
Yvonne Kim
Nimai Kini
Billy Kitchel
Warren Klein
Asher Leavy
Dodge Martinson
Max Menin
Sean Mirza
Ashton Monteiro
Mitav Nayak
Kennedy Ndiaye
Hansen Ogden
Alexander Orr
Victor Park
Benet Polikoff
Natasha Pupo
Joy Qu
Isabella Ronda
W. Henry Ross IV
Peter Hall Russell
Abby Schuster
Devon Shatzman
Syan Singh
John Paul (JP) Tew
Rana Keshav Thakkar
Gabe Thin
Zoe Turner
Willow Woodard
Callie Worth
Tiffany Yeung
Austin Zhuang
Class of 2021
Class Gift Initiative Ambassadors: Lucinda Bhavsar, Meg Braff, Rick Campbell, Kirsten Comai, Stefani Pashman Feinstein, Steve Foley, Becky Friedman, Alyssa Kay, June Leavy, Faith Lefkort, Gingy Lennon, Renu Mital, Laura Pellegrino, Kendra Raine
US Squash Board Support: Jennifer Mackesy, Soo Venkatesan
Class Gifts Made in Honor of these 2021 Graduating Seniors
Ellie Ackerman
Auggie Bhavsar
Charles Braff
John Bryan
Quintin Campbell
Emma Carter
Supriya Chang
Adelaide Cline
Margaux Comai
Douglas Conigliaro
Amanda Cowhey
Marco DiFilippo
Oliver Eielson
Katherine Evans
Grace Flaherty
Maureen Foley
Walter Huffman
Rohan Iyer
Elise Kang
Theresa Kay
Christopher Kenny
Josephine Klein
Samuel Knoll
Gainsley Korengold
Grace Lavin
Jason Lefkort
Aubrey Lennon
Will Lichstein
Jack Lungstrum
Coulter Mackesy
Andrew Minnis
Cate Moll
Kacey Mollenkopf
Hansen Ogden
Caroline Pellegrino
Margaret Pruett
Charlotte Raine
Isabella Rolfe
Katherine Sapinski
Robert Sawyers
Sophia M. Sheumack
Tessa Walden
Darcy Weber
Kristen Weil
Lindsay Westerfield
Nick Wilkinson
Saechow Yap
Class of 2020
Class Gift Initiative Ambassadors: Punitha Arockiasamy, Elizabeth Carney, Amy Charlton, Christina Evans, Jodie Fink, Ellen Gildea, Ruchira Glaser, Bruce Huberman, Katharine Joyce, Tina Lee, Brian Leonard, Elisa Malani, Jamie McIntyre, Anand Raman, Peter Santry, Winnie Wen
US Squash Board Support: Andrew Fink, Jennifer Mackesy, Linda Robinson, Soo Venkatesan
Class Gifts Made in Honor of these 2020 Graduating Seniors
Avni Anand
Dhivya Arasappan
Christian Bae
Neil Bam
Andrew T. Barr
Shyuan Brown
Julia Brinker
Ellie Burke
Naima Burton
Emma Carney
Renee Chan
Kate Chang
Harry Charlton
Samuel Charlton
Alexander Chiang
Caroline Chin
Ella Cohen
Cate Costin
Serena Daniel
Raji Davenport
Griffin Dewey
Sehar Dey-Kohli
Lark Ervasti
William Eun
William Evans
Julia Fink
Whitney Finney
Margaret Fleischner
Thomas Fournaris
Nolan Gelinas
Ned Gildea
Charlotte Gillis
Katherine Glaser
Toby Goldston
Eliana Good
Simren Gupta
Rory Hallowell
Charles Heath
Pierce Henderson
Thomas Hogan
Morgan Huberman
Binney Huffman
Jessica Hutt
Garrett Johnson
Carter Joyce
Graham Joyce
Nikhil Kakarla
Anika Kanchi
Gordon Lam
Joey Raskin Lantos
Anna Lee
Matt Lazor
Clara Lehv
Peter Lehv
Brian Leonard
Alexander Lorenzo
Mia Mahfood
Neal Malani
Lesliebeth Maldonado
Margo Mancuso
Rachel Mashek
Charlie Mattson
Myles McIntyre
Jacob Miller
Kedar Nagaraj
Zach Nam
Justin Ngo
Waleed Nisar
Erin O’Connor
Penelope Oh
Maxwell Orr
Isabel Paine
Portia Pliam
Jackson Rho
Olivia Robinson
Blake Roshkoff
Thomas Rosini
Dana Santry
Sameer Saxena
Ben Schiltz
Emily Schuster
Arjun Sen
Anourag Shah
Christian Shah
Saachi Singh
Elijah Smith
Henry Sparkman
Nicholas Spizzirri
Meghna Sreedhar
Conner Stoltz
Alan Tamayo
Andrew Tokarski
Kade Venkatesan
Priya Verma
Sanjana Vissapragada
Yos Wagenmans
Olivia Walsh
Collin Wen
Garrett Wenberg
Cole Zetterquist